Search Results - Manufacturing%2fConstruction%2fMechnical

6 Results

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  1. Arizona State University researchers have developed a dynamic inertial balance device and methodology designed to meet the need to match the behavior of golf clubs during the swing. This device was developed directly from biomechanical research conducted at ASU. It duplicates, or exceeds, the ability of an expert golfer with a "grooved swing" to...
    Published: 7/11/2014
  2. Concrete mixing and placing processes lead to inevitable voids entrapped in the concrete – typically 1%-3%. Where temperatures vary widely, 5% total air or more is needed to allow the concrete to resist freeze-thaw damage. To achieve this high level of air content, additives known as air entraining agents (AEA) are added to capture the necessary...
    Published: 7/11/2014
    Inventor(s): Han Zhu
  3. Currently, fastening a bolt requires using either a classical wrench for small bolts or a hydraulic stretcher for heavy duty bolts such as those employed in large manufacturing applications (e.g. oil exploration/production). These existing methods are generally labor intensive and therefore expensive and time consuming. In addition, due to weight...
    Published: 7/11/2014
    Inventor(s): Alvin Post
  4. Successful delivery of construction and other services has been an issue for the past 20 years. Despite technical advances such as Building Information Management (BIM), LEAN Practices, forward thinking/scheduling, costing software, and design enhancements, the construction industry, as well as others, continue to have performance issues. The conventional...
    Published: 7/11/2014
    Inventor(s): Dean Kashiwagi
    Keywords(s): Manufacturing
  5. Understanding the causes and effects of dimensional and geometrical variations that result during the manufacture of mechanical products provides a major concern for designers and manufactures. Designers must carefully account for these variations so that parts assemble and function properly; otherwise, designers and manufacturers risk producing...
    Published: 7/11/2014
    Keywords(s): Manufacturing
  6. Mechanisms using linear springs have been widely known and researched to give increased force outputs with greater input displacements. In many applications, however, the output force may be desired to be constant regardless of input displacement. Such situations arise in applications such as robotic grasping, biomedical applications, haptic devices,...
    Published: 7/11/2014
    Inventor(s): Milton Shaw, Amitabh Vyas
    Keywords(s): Manufacturing

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